ALKADO Founder Featured in Exclusive Radio Interviews: Spotlight on Latin American Business Ventures

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Yesterday marked a milestone moment for ALKADO as our founder and director Karin Dodič had the honor of being interviewed by two of Slovenia’s most influential radio stations, VAL 202 and Radio Prvi, both part of RTV Slovenija.

During these insightful interviews, our focus was on ALKADO’s impactful business endeavors in Latin America, particularly in Colombia and Ecuador, where our founder is currently based.

Karin delved into ALKADO’s mission to bridge the gap between Latin America and Slovenia, facilitating connections that unlock numerous business opportunities for Slovenian and other EU companies in Latin America, and vice versa.

These interviews provided a platform to share strategies for seizing opportunities in the thriving Latin American market and highlighted how ALKADO is at the forefront of facilitating these connections.

We extend heartfelt gratitude to the teams at VAL 202 and Radio Prvi for hosting us and for the enriching discussions that enabled us to connect with a broader audience.

We invite everyone to tune in to the Globalna Vas program on VAL 202 this Thursday, May 16th, and to the Slovencem po Svetu program on Radio Prvi next Friday, May 24th. These programs will offer deeper insights into life in Latin America and ALKADO’s journey, as well as the abundant business opportunities awaiting in the region. Additionally, both interviews will be available on the websites of the radios in case you miss them during the broadcast (VAL 202, Radio Prvi).

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments from ALKADO!